Students Register Form Students Register Form Name* Age* Grade/Standard* School Name* Parent Name* Mobile Number* Your Email-id* Country General Courses which You would like to enroll now Nurture arts Arts and craftsPaintingSketchingDrawing Nurture Cartoon Animation DrawingPerspective Drawing Nurture Calligraphy CalligraphyHandwriting Nurture Rubik's Rubiks cube (2x2)(3x3)Skewb PyraminxMaster cube (4x4)(5x5) Nurture Chess Chess BeginnerChess IntermediateChess AdvancedGrand Master Training Nurture Abacus and Vedic Maths AbacusVedic Maths Nurture Music Carnatic MusicVoice CulturingInstrumental MusicWestern MusicHindustani Music Nurture Dance BharatanatyamMohiniyattamKathakWestern Dance Nurture Yoga Yoga for KidsYoga for Adult Nurture Tech CodingPythonAnimationImage and Video editingAndroid App development Nurture English PhonicsStorytellingCreative Writing Nurture Language *R-W-S stands for Read-Write-Speak Malayalam (R-W-S )Sanskrit (R-W-S )Tamil (R-W-S )Hindi (R-W-S )Mandarin (Chinese)FrenchSpanish Nurture Money Management MM BeginnerMM IntermediateMM Advanced Nurture Math Maths BeginnerMaths intermediateMaths Advanced Selected General Courses : Tuition Courses which you would like to enroll Eligible for grades 7 to +2 MathematicsScienceSocial studiesEnglishSanskritHindiTamilMalayalam (Grades 3 to +2)Physics(+1 & +2)Chemistry(+1 & +2)Biology(+1 & +2) Preferred Time for Class Mother Tongue You have to save +91-7477669972 and +91-7736945199 in your contact list to receive out WhatsApp Broadcast Message Service. Yes, I have saved it. The Courses which you would like us to have in the near future and would like to be notified if available IELTSOther Register